Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Im Matias Garcia, I was born in 1991 in december, thats why my chrismas gift is the most of times the same as my happy birthday gift and also why i hate jingles  :P. When i was a child i live with all of my family, thats my 2 uncles, my granmother, my father and my mother, and my partner Andes, my big cousin 2 yeas older than me. Because of him i think i haved a really fun and nice stay in that big house in Republica.

Then i moved to a building near to Santa Ana Subway, there i haved alot friends. In that time i was ready to enter to school, I started going to Pedro de Valdivia School, there the enviroment was focoused in competition and become the best student, thats why i hated going there.
The realshion betwen my mother and my father was very bad and when it exploted, me and my mother moved to Ñuñoa because my mother is Teacher in a School there. Obviusly i went to that school, "The Angel´s School", there i coursed from 3 Basic to the last moment of my School Life.
(In that school was my uncle too, we allways haved a nice reallashionship then i laught alot in the breaks) I dont kept too much friends from there but im allways in contact with the "acurrate ones"

Now im studing Graphic Design in Universidad de Chile (obviously, because thats why im in this CFG) and i like the enviroment, not too much the burocratic system, not too much all the classes, but i like be learning here. I allways think that in some classes im wasting my time then i do alot of things (some of them are hobbys other i think build the way im) I like doing malabars, thats the first extracurricular thing i learn in school, now im good at it and is my way of relax. I like riding bycicle and i come to university all days riding it, i like murals, graffiti and street art and in the practic i do alot of things to fullfil the way that it like to me. Im Scout, im the guide of the little boys, betwen 6 and 11 years, im doing that since 3 years but im Scout since like 5 or 6, i do this because i think in the education like a way of change, motivation and growth and because i really like nature and im allways trying people feel a conection with it.

I forget name my 2nd cousing, now is 12 years old and "is the cumbia", there are not more words to explain how nice he is. He likes basketball and is really good, he will become a Mikel some day.

I haved made very good friends in my hood. The most of time im with them we are in "Parque Pucara", and we have alot of projects (with them i paint murals and stuffs). Now one of my friends is traveling for a long time and we dont go to the park to much, but i allways go because im one of the responsable to take care of his dog, Apu (the best dog ever), i go to play with him because he is allways free in the park, i sometimes have to close him in the house too. In the Park live 2 other dogs, Apulina and Manchas ( we also name him as Charly, Spots, Manchers and Hendrix) then when i go there im allways with a doggy style.

Now some extra things:

I like traveling, i prefere the south than the north.(In the summer i travel to Bolivia and i hate the desert part in the North of Chile)
I think my mom is the best one in the universe.
I like Black Music (Rap,Jazz,Blues,etc)
I like dancing, a party without dancing isnt a party
Im with a nice and beutyfull girld named Catalina and she is the princess of dinamarca.
All my friends call me Panda and my Auto Selected Tag (like the artistic name, for the street art) is Ke Mal

That is a part and a way to tell about my life, obviusly i think there are better ways to show ourselves but this way was a nice experiment. Now i will go to my home :)

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